working hard

Well I've started working and making some cash again. It's frustrating, though, to be the low man on the totem pole. It's okay, I know I'll only be there for a short time. I have a habit of moving up the food chain pretty quickly. I think Brio is going to make me a lot of money. 

I received word yesterday that I will have off for my trip to Cincinnati next week. It was such a relief, as I really didn't want to have to call home and explain why I wasn't going to be there. So now I'm busy making plans for the reunion. And I mean my reunion with all the friends I left behind. The family reunion plans are already set. I plan on keeping pretty busy all weekend, I'm trying to fit a lot of people and things in, so I'll just have to see how it works out.


So yesterday I got up, showered, went to work, and was having a pretty boring day. I got off from lunch and went on break with Justin, one of the others from my training class. We're driving down the road, then stop at a stoplight. While we're stopped, I notice a silver Hyundai 3 cars ahead in the lane next to us. I watch as the trunk pops open suddenly. Then I about shit myself when a girl climbs out. A real, living girl. A brunette. Couldn't have been more than 12. And then she just walked around and got in the passenger seat. I could not believe my eyes. Later, we pulled next to the car, and there was some old lady driving. Like her grandmother, maybe. 

Fucking weirdest thing I've ever seen.

new look new job

Well I've gone and done it. I cut my dreads off. I guess really I was overdue for a big change. I'm trying to make the most of this moving thing. Trying to make a fresh start for myself. So it seemed like the perfect time to do it. I mean, I've been thinking of cutting them for some time now anyway, I just finally picked which side of the fence to stand on.

On another note, I had my first day of training at Brio today. I haven't had to get up that early in such a long time. Probably 1 time in the past year. maybe. It was the usual boring-ass orientation paperwork and videos and bullshit and such. There were 7 of us total, so I wasn't alone in my misery. I guess maybe I'm exaggerating. It really wasn't so bad. The food was awesome, everyone seems really cool, and I actually felt pretty comfortable there right off the bat. I don't get to start making any cash until next week, but the cash should be pretty good from there.