
So here I am, back in Ohio. Sitting here pondering my options. When I first decided to move back here, I had been thinking about following Chris into the Navy. When I found that I was ineligible to join up, I went to my plan B. I wasn't thrilled about the Army, but I needed something to help me out. I thought the military would have been my best option. I'd have a place to stay, wouldn't need a car (but would be in a position to buy one as soon as I got out), and would have all the money I needed to get my ass into school. However, the Army said no also.

At the end of my 950 mile drive home, I decided to stop in at Red Robin and see some old friends. Immediately Mike was asking me if I wanted my job back, and immediately I said no. Then I decided that working the weekends would be a good way to get some quick cash together. It is the holiday season, after all. I've been on just one day a week, and playing guitar full time during the week. Now, though, I'm thinking of working both Saturday and Sunday.

So now, I'm thinking about just getting back into school. Somewhere I can afford without making a 4 year commitment elsewhere first. I think I'm going to head back to Cincinnati State, though not for the same AVP program I was in. I wasn't really impressed with it before, but I think it's just because it was training me to do something I wasn't into. So the game plan is now to start school winter term 09, only go full time and not just dick around taking 2 classes a term. All the while, I'll keep working at RR on the weekends.


well it's official: I've been defeated.  My quest for a new life down south in Orlando has come to an end. I've gone the past 3 months without my laptop, thus haven't posted since then. It's time for a change. I tried to make this work for 6 months now, and I'm now at the point where I have to give up. I'll be around more now, with my Mac back in hand.

working hard

Well I've started working and making some cash again. It's frustrating, though, to be the low man on the totem pole. It's okay, I know I'll only be there for a short time. I have a habit of moving up the food chain pretty quickly. I think Brio is going to make me a lot of money. 

I received word yesterday that I will have off for my trip to Cincinnati next week. It was such a relief, as I really didn't want to have to call home and explain why I wasn't going to be there. So now I'm busy making plans for the reunion. And I mean my reunion with all the friends I left behind. The family reunion plans are already set. I plan on keeping pretty busy all weekend, I'm trying to fit a lot of people and things in, so I'll just have to see how it works out.


So yesterday I got up, showered, went to work, and was having a pretty boring day. I got off from lunch and went on break with Justin, one of the others from my training class. We're driving down the road, then stop at a stoplight. While we're stopped, I notice a silver Hyundai 3 cars ahead in the lane next to us. I watch as the trunk pops open suddenly. Then I about shit myself when a girl climbs out. A real, living girl. A brunette. Couldn't have been more than 12. And then she just walked around and got in the passenger seat. I could not believe my eyes. Later, we pulled next to the car, and there was some old lady driving. Like her grandmother, maybe. 

Fucking weirdest thing I've ever seen.

new look new job

Well I've gone and done it. I cut my dreads off. I guess really I was overdue for a big change. I'm trying to make the most of this moving thing. Trying to make a fresh start for myself. So it seemed like the perfect time to do it. I mean, I've been thinking of cutting them for some time now anyway, I just finally picked which side of the fence to stand on.

On another note, I had my first day of training at Brio today. I haven't had to get up that early in such a long time. Probably 1 time in the past year. maybe. It was the usual boring-ass orientation paperwork and videos and bullshit and such. There were 7 of us total, so I wasn't alone in my misery. I guess maybe I'm exaggerating. It really wasn't so bad. The food was awesome, everyone seems really cool, and I actually felt pretty comfortable there right off the bat. I don't get to start making any cash until next week, but the cash should be pretty good from there.

the beach, part I

It took me about three weeks, but I managed to drag my ass down to the beach for Memorial Day. I must be a fool to have come down here. I mean, gosh, it sure is miserable. Actually, I couldn't be happier. The waves were powerful, the beer stayed cold, the ladies were wonderful, the sun was shining, and the bikinis were lovely. Dave, Jon, Kevin and I made the 45 minute trip. Then stayed most of the day. I didn't manage to pick up any sunscreen before we left, but thankfully Kevin looks as though he's never seen the sun. He had me covered. I still burnt, though not nearly like I would have. It was a great day, and hopefully this will become a weekly or biweekly type occasion.


wow. I was totally expecting to be let down. But I most assuredly was not let down. Everything Indiana Jones should be. finally Lucas and Spielberg got something right. I mean, it's only been, what, like 15 or 20 years since the last good script they've produced? They done good this time though.

Week One

Well it's been a week now. I feel like things are starting to fit. I'm getting along with my roommates, Ryan and Jon, quite well. I've gotten to see Dave now a few times, and have been tearing my fingertips to bits playing so much guitar.
Jon and I went out Sunday night and had a blast. Went to one bar for some live music, and got to see some pretty incredible music. One of the drummers put Danny Carey to shame. he was really that good. We then moved on to a new location, and by this time in the night, I've realized I'm going to get along really well down here.
I went out job searching Monday afternoon, but no winners yet. I hit up several restaurants in the area, but I'm thinking now of maybe checking out somewhere other than a restaurant.
Well enough for now.

i made it

Well it's certainly been a mission. I have finally made it down south, and just now got internet access again. The weather is wonderful, though it's hot. It's been in the 90's every day so far.  My roommates are both cool. I think we're going to get along just fine.  I did take a few pictures along the way, and I'll hope to get some of them, as well as some videos.  I have a new phone number now, 321.663.5878, so feel free to call. 

bad beat

So I went to the casino the other night. After being the first one out at our little poker game at Adam's, I decided I wasn't done gambling.  So I waited, and waited and waited, until Pat, Adam, and Ashley were ready to go.  This could not possibly worked out any better.

Right off the rip I won a quick $100 at the roulette wheel. Went downstairs for some poker, but there were only two tables open.  I sat down at a $1-3 NL hold em, $1-3 PL Omaha revolving game.  Within 15 minutes, I turned the $150 I sat down with into $480.  Then things went bad. Lost that whole $480 in one hand. Ouch. So I went and bought in again for another $150. Lost it real fast.  So I walked around for a minute, talked to Adam and Ashley, *almost* decided to leave then. down $200.  I decided, however, that I should buy in for my last $100.  So I sat back down, and proceeded to start losing again. Got myself down to $49. Then it happened.
I hear one of the guys across the table call all-in, and the guy he was against couldn't push the rest of his $800+ into the pot. He jumped up, yelled call and showed down 4 Aces. Nice hand. Very nice hand. Then the original raiser jumped up, even happier, flipped over his KJ of spades. Screamed out "Bad Beat!!!" as he showed his Royal Flush. Well fucking-A. Quad Aces losing the pot. WOW. But HELL YEAH!!! The hand qualified for the bad beat jackpot, which, unfortunately, was ONLY $20,600. So the Royal got ~$3500 after taxes, the quads got ~$7500 after taxes, and the other five of us sitting at the table? Well, we got to split the remaining $5170 - equal to a cool $1034.  
I absolutely could not believe what just happened. I was dealt a 9-2 on the button, and folded it. But because I did, I won over a grand.
So then I kept playing with that $49 I still had in front of me. Next thing you know, I quadrupled up, then doubled up, then won a few more, and all of a sudden I've got $743 in front of me. I cashed out, got paid my grand, and figured I better buy some breakfast for everybody.
I ended the session in the black for $1124. Not too bad for the 7 hours I was there.

Reds game 4.22

Chris and I went down to the Reds game last night. They got a much needed win over the Dodgers, 8-1. Woo-Hoo! I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Chris had fun too, playing the role of "My Bitch." Basically since I paid for everything, I made him get all the beers. All-in-all we had a great time

new things

Got my first torrent uploaded today. I chose my favorite NIN show, the Bridge School benefit. It's an all acoustic set, so very different from any other live NIN shows. the Link is below...  Also, bought myself a shiny new camera this afternoon. So I'll finally start having some pics. And I can get some videos going, maybe make this blog thing a bit more interesting. Look for them soon.

Cinco de Mayo

Well I've finally got everything all squared away.  Sent out a deposit earlier today to hold my room.  Moving in with 2 guys, to a condo outside of Orlando.  Officially, 5/5/08 is my move date. Should be down there by 5/6. I still have to decide if I want to make it a 1 or 2 day drive, but regardless I can't leave till the afternoon on the fifth. Talked to Dave yesterday, I can't wait to get down there and hang out. He sounds bored so hopefully I can change that. I've been getting a bunch of shit together. Got my tags and a new tire Monday, changing my oil right now. Boxes are everywhere, I've gotten through probably 75% of my things. well enough for now.

no more searching

Finally. Got myself a place to live. countdown till cinco de mayo moving day: 19 days


This whole trying to find a roommate 900 miles away thing is really starting to get to me. There are plenty of ads, several in my price range. I've only, however had 1 person get back to me, and haven't heard back from him again yet. Oh well, I don't get my taxes till 5/2, so I guess I'm stuck here till then anyway...

fucking IRS

I check the mailbox everyday. Soon as the mail comes, I'm out there to get mine. Then I find out today the IRS rejected my taxes. They said it was something about them being a bunch of douchebags. So anyway, now that I've waited a month I probably get to wait another month. jerks.

looking up??

I feel better today than last night...


Well, it seems as though all my plans have now turned themselves upside-down.

day 1

Time to start making some plans... have to keep boxing up all my stuff, though my legs are on fire after laser tag yesterday...

late night setting up

...well i finally have all this crap set up... technorati, twitter, flickr, etc. Finally a blog to go with it. Fill you in on everything tomorrow.. (today??)...