So here I am, back in Ohio. Sitting here pondering my options. When I first decided to move back here, I had been thinking about following Chris into the Navy. When I found that I was ineligible to join up, I went to my plan B. I wasn't thrilled about the Army, but I needed something to help me out. I thought the military would have been my best option. I'd have a place to stay, wouldn't need a car (but would be in a position to buy one as soon as I got out), and would have all the money I needed to get my ass into school. However, the Army said no also.
At the end of my 950 mile drive home, I decided to stop in at Red Robin and see some old friends. Immediately Mike was asking me if I wanted my job back, and immediately I said no. Then I decided that working the weekends would be a good way to get some quick cash together. It is the holiday season, after all. I've been on just one day a week, and playing guitar full time during the week. Now, though, I'm thinking of working both Saturday and Sunday.
So now, I'm thinking about just getting back into school. Somewhere I can afford without making a 4 year commitment elsewhere first. I think I'm going to head back to Cincinnati State, though not for the same AVP program I was in. I wasn't really impressed with it before, but I think it's just because it was training me to do something I wasn't into. So the game plan is now to start school winter term 09, only go full time and not just dick around taking 2 classes a term. All the while, I'll keep working at RR on the weekends.